Singing Guide: Blind Faith

Singing Guide: Blind Faith

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Blind Faith was an extraordinary band formed in 1969 for a brief yet striking time. Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker, Steve Winwood, and Ric Grech fused their talents to create a style in which various elements converged: blues, rock, folk, and even gospel. Though Blind Faith wasn't as prolific as other bands, their music left a lasting impact over generations of fans.

If you want to learn how to sing like Steve Winwood, Blind Faith's lead singer, you'll need to pay special attention to his voice's richness and range. Winwood was known for his convincing falsetto and no less impressive baritone, which he could transition seamlessly into.

A song showcasing this talent is "Can't Find My Way Home", a soft and haunting melody where Winwood's vocals shine through the inimitable guitar riffs. If you'd like a more upbeat song, "Had to Cry Today" showcases Winwood's vocal range as he switches from his falsetto to his gritty belting voice.

To emulate Steve Winwood, it's essential to identify your voice range accurately. You can use our Vocal Range Test to determine the best key for your voice and match songs matching your vocal type and preference. But you can't stop there. Our Pitch Accuracy Test will help you diagnose and train pitch accuracy, a crucial element of Winwood's solid technique, especially when transitioning from his falsetto to his mixed voice.

Start by analyzing your voice and knowing your voice type with this classical article. An excellent place to start is understanding your breathing and supporting it, which you'll learn with our breathing basics guide. It's also necessary to understand the critical vocal registers and vocal breaks, which are the foundation of good singing techniques and can be found in our vocal registers guide. Additionally, understanding the importance of proper breath support, an open mouth, and throat while singing, are vital components of healthy vocal technique.

Suppose you're familiar with Winwood's music style's technicalities. In that case, you might want to dive deeper into contemporary vocal techniques such as Heavy Modal, Twang, Belting, and Vocal Distortion, which we cover in our contemporary vocal techniques article, where you'll see how to apply them to your singing through our Pitch Training game.

Finally, it'd be best if you also learned how to articulate correctly, as well as how posture and stage fright can impact your singing. Our "Articulation" and "How Posture Affects Your Singing" articles cover those topics.

At Singing Carrots, we also offer you tools to help you learn how to sing better: the Vocal Pitch Monitor acts as a virtual singing teacher, and the Singing Course is a comprehensive guide to singing for beginners. Remember that at the end of the day, the best way to learn how to sing like Steve Winwood is to practice consistently and enjoy the journey.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.